I'm back from Africa, filled with warmth, sun and good food. These two weeks off the radar were a welcome break.
Before leaving I had in mind to prepare a post on travel, vacations, revisiting the ideal suitcase, making a list of what I would wear under a very hot tropical weather. Needless to say I just had the time to make a quick "good-bye" note before catching my plane and when arrived well besides the very slow internet connection (lots of blog reading to catch up with...), all I wanted to do was rest, soak up the sun and have a bit of fun.
Flicking through holidays pics, I thought, well better late than never and picked these 3 shots to illustrate my essential holidays items to survive the heat:
- wide brim hat
- sunglasses
- linen and cotton tees
- short cotton and/or linen skirts for day
- flat sandals
- long skirt and dresses (great to protect from the ravenous mosquitos at night).
Getting some coconuts to drink by the beach
Tank: Petit Bateau
Skirt: Etoile IM
Hat: Nature et Découverte
Outisde a "maquis", a typical and traditional West-African restaurant.
Tee-shirt: Zara
Skirt: Isabel Marant
Hat: Nature et Découverte
sandals: Bata
A paparazzi style shot...
Dress: H&m
Hat: Nature et Découverte
sandals: Bata
7 commentaires:
welcome back! hoping to hear more about your trip :)
you always look so chic! i love the hat, it's exactly what i'm looking for for summer as i'm going to attend many festivals (black hair + sun = omg!!)!
Oh, mais la chance!
Étant donné que je suis folle des voyages et que j'étudie dans ce domaine, j'ai toujours voulu partir en Afrique mais je n'ai jamais eu le courage de le tout planifier moi-même! Pourrais-tu me donner quelques conseils pour les attraits à visiter?
Your second look is really great, classic summer look:)
The black IM skirt is it from the current collection?
Sounds like an amazing trip! Great outfits as well. I have the Etoile loose pants in the printed "African" fabric in the first picture. They are my favourite summer pants.
Thank you Fleurette!
That hat and scarf worn as turbans were a must to protect from the intense sun. I was a bit self-conscious wearing such a conspicuous hat at first but after a few minutes under 35°C I congratulated myself for having it on!!
Dahlia: C'est un continent magnifique, il y a tant à voir. Au Sénégal: Saint-Louis, l'île de Gorée, Ziguinchor...
Au Bénin: au Nord, la Pendjari parc naturel avec éléphants, lion, hippopotames etc des cascades pour se rafraichir.... au Sud, il y a Abomey, Les Bouches du Roy, Grand-Popo...
Au Burkina Faso: Banfora...encore des cascades!
Il suffit de googler pour en avoir plein les yeux!
Quelle que soit la région où tu souhaites te rendre ce qui est le plus couteux c'est le billet d'avion. L'hébergement, la nourriture et les loisirs ne requièrent pas un budget énorme. L'idéal c'est de connaitre des gens sur place, c'est toujours plus facile pour s'acclimater mais sinon je vois toujours beaucoup de groupes de filles qui voyagent ensemble et tu ne serais pas dépaysée: il y a beaucoup de Canadiens anglophones et francophones en Afrique de l'Ouest!!
Thanks Prêt à Porter P. That skirt is among my best-of in terms of rotation!
I think it was the first cloth I put in my suitcase and it can be worn also as a very sexy bustier!;))
Love practical, unfussy 2 in 1, no need to iron clothes for holidays that still make you look good.
Thanks Robin! The skirt is an IM oldies from 3-4 years ago I think.
It was Garderoben! Very relaxing and fulfilling.
I know the trousers you're talking about. I wanted them badly. That's what kills me with IM. Her clothes look so inoffensive on the rack and I thought these trousers would look like pajamas but of course not at all, the fit is great so cool. Sadly at the time I was broke...
Would love to see more of your trip, and you look great on holiday - very inspiring for warm weather dressing!
Lin: Thanks! I was quite contemplative and didn't take lots of pics this time but I'll cook a post up with what I got.
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